FLORIAN PADILLA | feel free to contact me


📬 padilla.florian1@gmail.com
📞 + (33) 6 31 50 71 34
📍 Paris, France.

Hello, I'm Florian Padilla, french graphic designer from Paris.


    September 2019 ︎︎︎ February 2020
Leslie David Studio
Graphic Designer
(6 months)
/ Paris FR (75 010).
Graphic and typographic creatio (logo, visual identities, branding, packaging, animation, illustration and photo direction) for the beauty, fashion,
lifestyle and music sectors.

    April ︎︎︎ July 2018
Lm Polymago
Graphic Designer
(3 months)
/ Paris FR (75 003).
Creation of publications, signage, visual identities and graphic charters for institutions, communities, associations or companies on cultural, educational and urban subjects.

    May ︎︎︎ June 2016
Betc Luxe
Assistant Art Director,
(2 months)
/ Paris FR (75 010).
Graphic design and typography as well as development of communication campaigns. Project follow-up in relation to the different interlocutors, creation of moodboards and intention files.

    October 2015
Technicouleurs Printing
DTP Graphic Designer,
(1 week)
/ Sérignan (84 830).
Learning of DTP software, lead composition, lithography and offset. Preparation of execution files for printing or manufacturing.

June 2013
Glass Creation Workshop / SARL Stéphanie Lebreton
AD Assistant,
(1 month)
/ Avignon (84 000).
Graphic design, study and creation of museography, signage, lighting and decorative panels. Discovery of engraving techniques by sandblasting, gilding, thermoforming and UV gluing

    2017 - 2019
DSAA Design Graphique
option Transmédias —
Mention BienE
NSAAMA, Paris FR (75 015).
/ MA Degree in Graphic Design.

    2015 - 2017
BTS Design Graphique et communication visuelle option médias imprimés — ENSAAMA, Paris FR (75 015).
2 Year Technical Degree in Graphic Design, Printed Medias.

    2012 - 2015
Bac Sciences Techniques du Design et des Arts Appliqués.
Mention Très bien, Lycée Frédéric Mistral,
Avignon FR (84 000).
/ High School Diploma in Applied Art with honors.


    November 2019
Étapes magazine n°252 Special issue on diplomas

    July 2016
Participation and realization of the exhibition of the collective "Quatu'art" in Vaison-la-Romaine (84110).

    September 2016
Participation in the exhibition dedicated to the fair trade art platform "Ocurieux" at Les Grands Voisins Paris FR (75014).

    March 2015
3rd prize in the image competition of the Intuit-Lab Paris design school.

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